The journey to a calmer you begins here...

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Welcome to Body Wisdom Sanctuary

Awaken your body’s wisdom to heal itself through touch, movement, breathwork, and deep relaxation.

Transform stress into well-being, peace, and vitality.  

Waking Up The Body’s Wisdom

My name is Siewli, and I am the founder of Body Wisdom Sanctuary. My passion and life’s work is in bringing more ease, harmony, and balance into the lives of my fellow humans. The world we live in is demanding; causing many of us to feel anxious, depressed, constantly stressed out. we are humans living in a world not quite designed for our nervous system. Because of that, it's so vital that we learn to down regulate. Meaning we learn to shift from a fight/flight/freeze state to a rest & digest state, aka relaxation response.

I want to help you get there faster. Why work with the body? Whatever you do in life, this body is there with you, allowing you to work, play, think, eat. Life’s no fun when it’s chronically in pain or tight. You body holds intrinsic wisdom and it has the ability to heal & restore itself. But we cannot heal when disconnected from the body. Healing only starts when the body is being taken into consideration.

The physical & emotional “issues” that need tending and healing are stored in our tissues. We are making it our mission to create a sanctuary for you to feel cared for, supported, and safe, so that you can start to relax and truly heal, one session, one moment, one breath at a time.

Once relaxation happens, then healing can happen. Your body, your heart, mind, and spirit want to heal. You don’t have to do it alone. Let’s work together to transform stress and suffering into calm, inner-peace, and vitality!

Siewli Stark founder of Body Wisdom Sanctuary practicing Qigong in Brooklyn


  • Calm Body, Calm Mind icon

    Calm Body, Calm Mind Massage

  • Therapeutic Thai Yoga Massage

    Therapeutic Thai Yoga Massage

  • Abdominal Massage

    Abdominal Massage

  • Qigong, Yoga, Therapeutic Movement

    Private Yoga + Qigong

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Body Wisdom Sanctuary, today.